The Hindu path to human pup play
India is home to an ancient and long lived culture, and is the birthplace of multiple religions and philosophies. As a place, India is dominated by Hinduism, a religion which sees all to be on a spiritual path of liberation from the cycle of rebirth. All paths ultimately lead to resolution and oneness with creation, to a union with godhead. This is not a trip to meet a monotheistic judeo chrsitian god. Rather, it is a state of being - of being god, of being part of a vast cosmic consciousness that links all things. There are myriad different practices and beliefs, even atheism in Hindu life, and we draw from these ancient practices to present to you a Hindu Path to Puphood - Shvan Yoga, the Disciplined Practice of the Dog.
Unlike other cultural paths of puphood presented here on Sirius Pup, Shvan Yoga involves religious practice. Don't be surprised by this. India has many many gods. The Hindu pantheon of gods rule over every aspect of life and activity, so it should be no surprise that there is a god of human pup play. But before we explain the Path of Puphood that particular gods deem right, we need to understand the context of pup play and pups in Hindu society. And before even that, always keep in mind a golden rule of hinduism- many paths, one destination.
Everyone has a place in the world, and a human pups is in filth
Varnas (colours)
The society of humans is divided into classes, no matter where it is. As a human pup, you have a place in the world too. For Shvan Yoga, we recognise the Hindu order of human society, with five classes of people, each easily recognised by a symbolic colour and their function in life.
There are those who seek and utilise power over others, and for them the colour red is their symbol, representing the blood often shed to achieve power and rule. There are those who are motivated by wealth and engage in business and trade, and for them the colour yellow is their symbol, as it is close to the gold a merchant deals in. Then there are those who wear white who are seen as clean and pure, as these people seek knowledge and educate and counsel others. The lowest of the acceptable members to society are those who labour and toil for everybody else, and they wear brown as the peasants are associated with the working of the earth. A fifth class exists, one that is considered impure, unclean, and it is known as the untouchables. These are traditionally people who do work that could be seen as a source of contagion, such as handling dead animals (butchers) or cleaning toilets (cleaners) or even simply be people who are otherwise dismissed as filthy and dirty (sex workers). The untouchables colour is black, and they are important to the follower of Shvan Yoga as the untouchables are often represented in stories and myths by the dog. The dog is seen as a useful symbol of the impure eater and defiler, because a dog is omnivorous, they will eat anything and piss and shit anywhere.
So dogs are usually seen as unclean in caste minded Hindu society, much like pigs are to Jews and Muslims. To pretend to be a dog for sexual play absolutely places a person as untouchable, the lowest of the low. Yet, Shvan Yoga is worthy as a pursuit as we explain further on, and there is a place for the dog, the lowest of caste/class for being a revolutionary, a rulebreaker. A human pup is outside the boundaries of good taste, so he can at times highlight the silliness of others without fear - after all, there's nowhere lower to go and the higher ups do deserve being mocked at times.
The worst thing that dogs do is lick, even eat, sacrificial offerings to the the gods - which is the reason they ban them from temples.
There is an example in the holy text, the Upanishads:
The Song of the Dogs
A group of dogs asked a Vedic priest, "Please, sir, we'd like to find some food by singing for our supper. We are really hungry." He asked them to return the next morning, and so the dogs filed in, sliding in slyly as priests slide in slyly in file, each holding on to the back of the one in front of him. They sat down together and began to hum. Then they sang, "Om. Let's eat! Om. Let's drink! Om. May the gods bring food! Lord of food, bring food! Bring it! Bring it! Om."
Besides irreverently poking fun at the high caste Brahmins, this passage also pleads for more sympathy for the lower castes. And this is a vital point to remember about human pup play - it is an extreme taboo sexual fetish, and yet Shvan Yoga shows it has a place in society - if only to break convention and highlight hypocrisy.
But what is Shvan Yoga in practice besides human pup play? It is a pathway to being a purer and better person, by embracing the dog inside and expressing it, you ultimately purge yourself of impure thoughts and feelings and become a greater person, and along the way enjoy being a pup.
You are a human who assumes the role of a dog, becoming a human pup, so that you will be guided by your master to be better