Yamas - what not to do
How you conduct yourself in Shvan Yoga is extremely important, and there are some simple moral principles for you as a human pup to follow. These are the things you shouldn't do as they are bad for you.
When you attack others you start a cycle of violence that damages both your spirits.
Ahisma - don't hurt others
Violence is only acceptable as self defence for a human pup, or to protect others, such as your Master. A human pup shouldn't seek to harm others, and causing pain should only ever be for the pleasure of both parties involved. Don't attack people.
Satya - don't lie
A pups word should be true, unless it will harm others. Clear and honest communication with your Master and others is important.
If you get attached and obsessed with pleasure and possessions, you will go round and round in circles and not progress forward in Shvan Yoga
Asteya - don't steal
Taking stuff that is not yours is wrong, for you are depriving someone of their Artha.
Brachmacharya - go easy
Be a reasonable human pup and don't overindulge in sensual pleasure. You can get fat, sick, and exhausted. Doing stuff to excess in sensuality is no good for you. You should truly let yourself go in pup play and be filthy and kinky and sexual as you can, but you must limit that behaviour to pup play and no be excessive.
Aparigr - don't be greedy
No one likes a selfish greedy pup. It is always better to be generous and giving, as loving selfless acts lead to spiritual evolution and being a better person.